(English) News

Onze verontschuldigingen, dit bericht is alleen beschikbaar in het Amerikaans Engels en Duits.


2024/09/16 SBS Atlas Integration of all English-language organ systems and special program descriptions from the book “The Psychic Roots of Diseases” under the menu item “SBS Atlas”
2024/05/28 Ukrainian Release The project “Disease is Different” is online in ukrainian language (Про хворобу інакше). The videos are available on Youtube!
2024/05/17 New 5BN brochure (english, german, dutch) A short form of the video series is available as a free 5BN booklet in A5 format – so far in three languages.
2023/12/14 5BL Children’s Book “The Mystery of the Cursed Fleece” (EN, NL, SR) Our 5BN/GNM adventure story is now available in printed form in German, English, Dutch and Serbian 🙂 Here you can find reading samples and more information about the four languages.
2023/07/31 Assistance with musculoskeletal pain If you suffer from acute or chronic musculoskeletal pain, this video offers daily help to escape this vicious circle of localized secondary conflicts and to maintain a positive mindset by understanding the regeneration process.
2023/08/09 Telegram channel of “Disease is Different” On the one hand, there is the clear collection of all resources, such as the introductory series in all available languages, allergy resolutions, testimonial archive, practitioner list, and much more – each for direct access and sharing on Telegram. On the other hand, the channel will of course be continuously updated with all new projects, videos, testimonials and results.

The same is available for the German language content

2023/07/31 Turkish Release The project “Disease is Different” is online in turkish language (Hastalık Farklı Bir Şey). The videos are available on Youtube!
2023/01/31 List of learning groups Learning the 5BL together in a group, deepening it and experiencing it with joy in practice – for this purpose there are more and more learning groups listed on this page: 5BL learning groups / regulars’ tables / working groups
2022/12/12 5BL Children’s Book “The Mystery of the Cursed Fleece” (german version) There are many adult introductions to the 5BL, but almost none that are interesting and understandable for children and young adults.
This is about to change with this exciting adventure story for 6- to 12-year-olds (and older). In german only, but at least an english translation is planned for 2023.
2022/04/22 Dutch Release The project “Disease is Different” is online in dutch language (Ziekte is anders). The videos are available on Youtube!
2022/03/12 Series: About the Motives of the Unvaccinated – English version This series is now already available in english verfügbar. Many thanks to Mark Hanley for the translation and Andi Locke Mears for the voice recordings!
2022/03/01 Serbian Release The project “Disease is Different” is online in serbian (bosnia, croatian) language (Bolest je različita). The videos are available on Youtube!
2022/02/08 Series: About the Motives of the Unvaccinated Welcome to my attempt to bridge two very different perspectives at this difficult time – that of unvaccinated people who are extremely critical of Corona vaccinations, and vaccinated people who believe it is important to vaccinate as many of their fellow human beings as possible.
In this series, we will look at the effectiveness, safety and necessity of vaccinations for people who have not been critical of them at all. In addition, we will take a closer look at the extremely “delicate” topic of alleged virus detection, which is currently probably still completely uncharted territory for the vast majority of people.
2022/01/07 Polish Release The project “Disease is Different” is online in polish language (O chorobie inaczej). The videos are available on Youtube!
2021/06/22 International Collaboration 5BL Report Archive The aim of this archive is to collect the worldwide experiences of 5BL users and to make reports of experiences in different languages, each with English translation, accessible to all people. View report archive
2021/05/07 Two reports as a result of the government’s Corona measures One symptomatology arose as a result of the massive division of society, in this case of siblings within the family, the other as a result of mask coercion, where there was actually a life-threatening covid-19 diagnosis with intensive bedside care.
2021/01/25 Do YOU know these top 10 corona facts? Many facts and figures are now available (and some have been for a long time) related to Corona, Covid-19, and SARS-CoV-2 for 2020 that the majority of people are probably not yet aware of. To the video
2021/01/23 Azerbaijani Release The project “Disease is Different” is online in azerbaijani language (Xəstəliyə Fərqli Baxış). The videos are available on Youtube!
2020/11/14 Portuguese Release The project “Disease is Different” is online in portuguese language (A Doença é Outra Coisa). The videos are available on Youtube!
2020/09/15 Hungarian Release The project “Disease is Different” is online in hungarian language (A betegség, másképp). The videos are available on Youtube!
2020/08/21 Bulgarian Release The project “Disease is Different” is online in bulgarian language (Болестта е нещо друго). The videos are available on Youtube!
2020/08/14 Practical course “Resolving Allergies” The pre-warm-up phase of our practical course “Resolving Allergies” has been successfully completed and we would like to present to you in this video – as an overview without various details – the first successfully resolved allergies (german, with english subtitles)
2020/06/16 Video series “For us Children” This three-part video series deals with different possibilities and methods that help parents to respect the basic biological needs of their children in the first years and thus accompany them in their healthy and joyful development. The topics covered include natural, self-determined births, Attachment Parenting with Co-Sleeping, Carrying and Breastfeeding as needed, as well as Baby-Led Weaning (BLW), Elimination Communication and Baby Signs: Go to the first part
2020/05/21 French Release The French version of the series is online just in time for the 2-year anniversary of the project: La Maladie Autrement
2020/03/29 Coronavirus – We need a public discussion We have a massive emergency with dramatic consequences!
If the facts were as clear as claimed in order to implement such massive encroachments on fundamental rights and such strategies with serious consequences, how can it be that more and more high-ranking microbiologists, virologists, immunologists etc. come to different conclusions?
Instead of censorship of opinion, we need a public discussion between experts with different points of view!
Coronavirus – We need a public discussion
2020/02/03 Hebrew Release The project “Disease is Different” is online in hebrew language (מחלה זה משהו אחר). The videos are available on Youtube!
2020/01/20 Report “Secretory otitis media” A clear trigger and prediction of the duration of symptoms: Here is the report
2019/11/28 Russian Release The project “Disease is Different” is online in russian language (О болезни по-другому). The videos are available on Youtube!
2019/10/15 Italian Release The project “Disease is Different” is online in italian language (La malattia è differente). The videos are available on Youtube!
2019/09/16 Spanish Release The project “Disease is Different” is online in spanish language (La enfermedad es otra cosa). The videos are available on Youtube!
2019/07/30 Report series Part 5 The last part of the report videos is available: Predicting Back Pain and Lumbago.
2019/07/15 Report series Part 4 The fourth and thus penultimate part of the report videos is available. In this part, we look at the possibility of retrospective control of symtoms on the practice of a chronic tendonitis / RSI syndrome.
2019/06/18 Report series Part 3 The third part of the report videos is available. Using the example of neurodermatitis, it is shown how, with knowledge of the 5BN, past, stronger symptoms in life can be reconstructed later.
2019/06/04 Report series Part 2 The second part on the prediction of symptoms using the example of an epileptic seizure is finished.
2019/05/21 Report series Part 1 As of today, the first practical part on the topic of “Resolving allergies” is available, the other parts will appear gradually in the coming weeks. At the request of those affected, the series of experience reports is not freely accessible on Youtube, but only for interested people who have subscribed to the newsletter. If you are interested in the video series of experience reports, you are welcome to subscribe to the newsletter and receive access as well as a message if further parts are available. Free on Youtube there is a small preview of the respective report.
2019/02/18 All reports translated All reports are available in english, now. Thanks to Mark Hanley again for his lectoring and optimization of the translations!
2018/12/06 New reports Four new reports added in german (use e.g. google translate): Sudden hearing loss, Sting on the heart, Sudden loss of voice / aphonia and Coccyx pain / coccygodynia
2018/12/06 Technical Update The webpage was migrated to a new technology to be prepared for multilanguage-support (next language coming soon…)
2018/08/26 English Release The project “Disease is Different” is online in english language. The videos are available on Youtube!
2018/05/21 German Release The project “Disease is Different” is online in german language. The videos are available on Youtube!

5 Biological Laws of Nature

German New Medicine, Germanic New Medicine, Dr. Hamer, 5BN, GNM, 5BL, 5 Natural Laws of Biology

On this page you will find an introductory video series on the New Medicine’s 5 Natural Laws of Biology (5BN), which are also known as German New Medicine (GNM).
The biological laws were discovered by Dr. med. Ryke Geerd Hamer.